Keep Enys open!

This is the development website. The live website is here.


The Gardens at Enys are maintained by three gardening staff and a team of volunteers, who do a magnificent job of keeping the beautiful site so attractive. Nevertheless, the running costs substantially exceed the visitor and event income; to give some idea, here is the income as a percentage of costs for some recent financial years:

Financial Year Income/Costs
2014-2015 28%
2015-2016 34%
2016-2017 36%
2017-2018 52%
2018-2019 69%
2019-2020 74%
2020-2021 37%

As you can see, opening Enys to the public is loss-making – and these figures do not cover the costs of maintaining and insuring the buildings. The cost of the Estate insurance has tripled in the last five years, and now amounts to half of the total staff costs. In the last four years, the RPI has increased by about 30%, and we have had to raise staff pay to keep up with this. The owners of Enys are passionate about sharing this unique place with its visitors, supporters and friends, and have so far been able to find the money to keep opening to the public. We have held the entrance prices fixed for the three years 2021-2023, but in 2024 we are regretfully having to increase them. Please keep visiting, enjoying and supporting this beautiful place and the people who make it possible. If you are able to help keep Enys open, please consider donating here:

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