Seasonal Membership

This is the development website. The live website is here.


If you visit Enys often, you might find it simpler to buy seasonal membership. The rates are £25 for an adult, £20 for a senior (65 and over), £15 for a student with ID, and £6 for a child (ages 6-17 inclusive). There is also family membership (2 adults and up to 3 children) for £50. You  buy online just like any other ticket – make sure you print out your ticket for scanning at the gate, where you will be issued with your membership pass.

Admission to some events is included in  Seasonal Membership;  admission for other events is by booking via the website in the usual way, please see the information for the event in question. Other benefits of Seasonal Membership include:

  • Tuesday opening 2pm-5pm exclusively for Seasonal Members (not in event weeks, no cafe opening);
  • Pop-up events; for Seasonal Members only,  when the forecast is good and there is something special to see in the Gardens (such as primroses in March-April, rhododendrons in June, woodland foliage in autumn),  we will occasionally announce by email a time when the Gardens will be open, so you can see them at their best without the crowds;
  • Pop-up photography evenings; again when the forecast is good, we will occasionally announce an evening opening time for Seasonal Members only to come and view the Gardens in the beautiful light at the end of the day. We do ask that you let Enys use without charge any good photos you take, for the purposes of Enys publicity – prizes for good photos!
  • Holiday letting: if you have visitors who would like to spend a week in the Gardener’s Cottage in the heart of the Estate, please contact us for prices and availability.

If you would like to see Enys at quieter times, have you considered volunteering?



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1998 tickets remaining.
